
Dr. Richard Staffler

Back to the drama of the option
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
In 1939, the political relations between Italy and Germany were so good, or between Hitler and Mussolini so well that they have just agreed among themselves what fit them. And then they have them off .. has come out in 1939 a decree that had the South Tyrolean the choice either to stay there in South Tyrol, or migrate to Germany. The Germans, however - have already made sure that if many come Südtiroler that it places .. Make get work and get. Why are so many - so many have opted for Germany. Because in here it has gotten almost no job more because everything was Italian, because you have not - because we have nowhere else, even if bilingualism was - I would have been bilingual, but I have never found a body in a public office, Neither the Post nor the court nor the financial, or anywhere else. Nothing. And .. out in Austria, they have offered me the bodies. I have offered them a job with the prosecutor in St. Pölten and then in Germany, in Karlsruhe. There, I think, is the governing Supreme Court or something. In short, get this one! Offers. Then it is quite logical that .. only I'm not migrated. Why did not migrate, because .. because they have now, since the Germans occupied the area since. There was German occupation. And the offices were all German. So, the existing offices, they have already left with the few Italians in it, but the upper authorities and command posts, that was all German. And since then I got offered in Bolzano is a wonderful, beautiful place, an office that was something where I felt really comfortable. And in the context of migration. Since I have a so-called office - but that was more .. but that was not a political body but one - more of a banking institution. They have the .. the possessions replaced. Those who were in here, have been paid out and you have to buy are - its become vacant. Then, places one has got enough. As I said, I have a place in St. Pölten and in Karlsruhe .. my father has been immediately employed in Innsbruck, because my father was a lawyer there. He immediately came to Innsbruck. Then I had two sisters who are all equal out there somewhere .. - The whole family has been torn apart.